Basic Evaluation: Your First Step Towards Parenthood

Embarking on the journey to parenthood begins with understanding your unique fertility needs. At Dr. Parul Agrawal, Senior IVF Specialist , offers comprehensive basic evaluation services to assess your reproductive health and guide you toward the most suitable fertility treatment options. Basic evaluation is the initial step in your fertility journey, aimed at identifying any underlying factors thorough assessment involves a series of diagnostic tests and consultations to evaluate both partners' reproductive health

Key Components of Basic Evaluation

Medical History Review: Dr. Parul Agrawal will conduct a detailed review of your medical history,including any previous pregnancies, medical conditions, surgeries, or medications that may impact fertility

Physical Examination:A comprehensive physical examination may be performed to assess factors such as body mass index (BMI), reproductive anatomy, and signs of hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal Testing:Blood tests may be conducted to evaluate hormone levels, including follicle - stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH), and testosterone, among others.

Ovarian Reserve Testing: Assessment of ovarian reserve helps determine the quantity and quality of a woman's eggs. Tests such as anti - Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels, antral follicle count (AFC), and follicular phase serum FSH may be utilized

Semen Analysis: For male partners, a semen analysis is performed to assess sperm count, motility, morphology, and other parameters crucial for male fertility.

Ovulation Tracking: Monitoring of menstrual cycles and tracking ovulation may be recommended to identify ovulatory disorders or irregularities.

Diagnostic Imaging: Imaging studies such as transvaginal ultrasound may be used to visualize the reproductive organs and identify any structural abnormalities

Personalized Care and Guidanc

Dr. Parul Agrawal understands that every individual and couple is unique. That's why she prioritize personalized care and tailored treatment plans based on the results of basic evaluation. Dr. Agrawal will reviews test result in detail, explain any findings, and discuss your fertility treatment options moving forward.